
(As economy has been hit quite badly this year, picking a presentable yet affordable business gift during the holiday season would definitely make some of us scratching their head in despair. Then this following article that I found absolutely will become their life-savor. Enjoy.)

Holiday Business Gifts That Won't Break the Bank
By Michael Lerner

There is no doubt about it. The Christmas holiday season this year could be the worst one ever when it comes to giving and receiving gifts (and selling them for that matter). For most companies and organizations, the big bonus will be a lot smaller than before. There may not be any bonus at all. And if the company holiday party was not booked and paid for more than 6 months ago, there's a good chance that there may only be a small lunch or maybe breakfast this year.

It all sounds pretty grim, but there is a way to let your customers and employees know they are appreciated without having to leverage your company. And, unless you are strapped for cash, it is vital to continue the tradition of celebrating the holidays for business. Why? Because when there is a recovery, everyone who is vital to your organization will remember that you did what you could in hard times. That loyalty will pay dividends in the coming months or years.

Let's start with corporate customer gifts. In the past you may have given out a fancy gift certificate to a store or restaurant if it was permitted. Maybe a nice piece of crystal or a bottle of wine or box of cheese. You can be excused this year as expectations are obviously lowered. A beautiful wall or desk calendar is appreciated just as much, and best of all, also advertises your services every day of the year if you choose to print your logo and contact information.

There are plenty of other holiday gifts and giveaways for under $5.00 that customers will appreciate. Laser engraved pens become a thoughtful gift when presented in a nice box.

And then there is candy. Customized chocolate bars, truffle assortments and other fine candies are reasonably priced and are enjoyed by every recipient. Although food gifts are consumed and the printed containers discarded, they leave a lasting impression and give you a good excuse to make sales calls in December.

For employees, gifts this year are more important than ever. People with jobs may feel lucky to be employed at this point, but at the end of the day we all want to feel appreciated and know that better times are ahead. Most employees may be losing bonuses and raises this year. And the big holiday party is bigger than you would think. It is a chance for them to let their hair down and spend some social time with people they spend a good part of their life with.

A small gift of recognition is vital in this economy. It lets every staff member know that you care about them and recognize that they too have made sacrifices for your continued survival and success. Embroidered apparel, fun games and gifts for the barbeque or kitchen will help fill a void and lets everyone know they have not wasted their time at their jobs.

The bottom line is not if you can afford to give a holiday business gift this year, but can you afford not to.

(Article Source: EzineArticles.com)

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